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Copie Guide

Copie: A convenient data transfer service across all internet-connected devices

Copie is a web-based service that allows for easy data transfer between PCs, Androids, iPhones, and any other internet-connected device. Transfer, save, and share information using only a web browser, without any complicated installations or separate apps.

Detailed Usage Guide:

Advanced Usage Guide:

  1. Web Page Bookmark Sharing: Use Copie to temporarily store and easily share a webpage's URL with other devices or friends. Instead of sending the webpage link directly, it can be shared in the form of a URL or QR code.
  2. Temporary Notepad: In urgent situations where you quickly need to jot something down, Copie is convenient. Just by accessing the website, you can leave a simple note from anywhere.
  3. Event Information Sharing: Share temporary event details by printing the information as a QR code, making it easy for attendees to check.
  4. Temporary File Sharing: If you want to share a specific file for a short duration, store the file's download link on Copie and share it.
  5. Educational/Lecture Use: Instructors or educators can provide students with reference materials or key lecture points in QR code format, allowing students to instantly access the content using their smartphones or tablets.
  6. Temporary Code Sharing Between PCs: During programming or when working on a piece of code that you want to reference or modify from another PC, you can temporarily store and share code snippets on Copie for easy access from the other PC.
  7. Multi-Screen Operations: When working simultaneously on multiple PCs and needing to quickly transfer important information or content, generate a URL or QR code with Copie. This allows for immediate content verification and continued work on another PC.
  8. Large File Split Transfers: When you need to split a large file into several parts to transfer to another PC, store and share each split file's download link on Copie, allowing the other PC to sequentially download each file.
  9. Temporary Resource Sharing During Project Collaboration: When multiple people are working on a project from various PCs and want to quickly share temporary reference resources, documents, images, etc., Copie is effective.
  10. Diagnostics Information Transfer During Remote Support: When diagnosing or resolving issues on another PC via remote support or remote access, temporarily share required system information or log files through Copie. This allows the remote support provider to quickly identify and address the problem.
  11. Use During Meetings or Workshops: During meetings or workshops, if you want to instantly share presentation materials, graphs, reference images, etc., with attendees, you can store the information on Copie, allowing attendees to easily access it via a URL or QR code.
  12. Emergency Notification Sharing: In urgent situations or when there are changes that need to be quickly communicated to targets, store and share the notification information via Copie.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

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